A Note From the Health Nurse
Hello! I am the health nurse at Seneca East. Your child's health and well-being are very important to me and I make every student a priority. I encourage parents to take their children to seek medical attention when they are sick and obtain regular check-ups. A healthy child is better able to learn.
If your child has been to visit a physician or specialist, please let me know. If you obtain a "visit summary" share it with me so I can better understand your child and give them the best care possible while at school. The physician's office can fax them to me at 419-426-5400 if they would like.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at 419-426-1866 or email me at aferres@se-tigers.com.
Stay Healthy,
Amy Ferres, RN-Health Nurse
Important Information from the Seneca County Health Department Regarding MMR Vaccination....