Information for Our Military Families
Military Family Liaison:
Matt Schock
419-426-3344 ext. 1114
Military Appreciation
Seneca East salutes those who have served and are currently serving our country.
We kicked off the school year with a Military Appreciation Night during the football season.

On September 10, 2022, Seneca East hosted "Stars, Stripes, and Lights." During this cross country meet a giant USA flag was held by more than 100 Hometown Heroes, there was a flyover of a military aircraft, and fireworks. Along with these events there was also a national memorial, "Remembering our Fallen" on display on the school grounds. This memorial paid tribute to the men and women who lost their lives in the War on Terrorism.

On Monday, November 7th, Seneca East hosted a Veterans Day Program and brunch for veterans. The program recognized the efforts of our Hometown Heroes and Jim Alt and Jim Schumacher talked about the Veteran Memorial Park projects in Attica and Republic. Throughout the assembly the SE Select Chorus sang and Representative Craig Riedel and Representative Gary Click presented the Hometown Hero Award to Paul Jones.